This award recognizes the graphic and creative elements of a marketing campaign for a mid/high-rise development. The submissions will be judged based on the brand’s overall graphic appeal, brand cohesion, and project positioning.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the creative rationale behind the project name, logo, typography, tone of copy, imagery, graphic elements and treatments. In addition to the visual aesthetic share the brand positioning and copy narrative developed to connect with the target audience. Show examples of how the brand demonstrated a cohesive narrative through all promotional elements and communication platforms (print, website, social, ad campaign etc.). Identify the target audience, the brand positioning, key differentiators, main messages and visual brand identity and how these all contributed to the creation of a cohesive overall brand approach. If available, you may include a copy of the brand identity package or brand story book.

IMPORTANT: Please include with this entry a copy of the creative assets to support the brand strategy.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents).

  • • Concept (25 points)
  • Creativity (25 points)
  • Graphic Cohesion (20 points)
  • Strength of Brand Positioning Statement (20 points)
  • Target market relevance (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Logo
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened 
  • Target Market
  • Budget
  • 6 images supporting your entry
  • [optional PDF] Brand Identity Package/Story Book
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 upload (1 minute or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 upload (1-2 minutes or less)
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Briefly describe brand concept, target audience and overall graphic appeal. (150 words) This may be publicly viewable online. 
  • Please share the brand positioning and copy narrative developed to connect with the target audience. (300 words)
  • Explain the creative rationale behind the project name, logo, typography, tone of copy, imagery, graphic elements and treatments. (500 words)
  • How did identifying the target audience, the brand positioning, key differentiators, main messages and visual brand identity contribute to the creation of a cohesive overall brand approach? (300 words)
  • How was a cohesive brand narrative developed through all promotional elements and communication platforms? (250 words)
  • How does this brand stand out in the marketplace? Describe anything unique or different specific to this project. (150 words)

This award recognizes the graphic and creative elements of a marketing campaign for a low-rise development. The submissions will be judged based on the brand’s overall graphic appeal, brand cohesion, and project positioning. 

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the creative rationale behind the project name, logo, typography, tone of copy, imagery, graphic elements and treatments. In addition to the visual aesthetic share the brand positioning and copy narrative developed to connect with the target audience. Show examples of how the brand demonstrated a cohesive narrative through all promotional elements and communication platforms (print, website, social, ad campaign etc.). Identify the target audience, the brand positioning, key differentiators, main messages and visual brand identity and how these all contributed to the creation of a cohesive overall brand approach. If available, you may include a copy of the brand identity package or brand story book.

IMPORTANT: Please include with this entry a copy of the creative assets to support the brand strategy.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents).

  • Concept (25 points)
  • Creativity (25 points)
  • Graphic Cohesion (20 points)
  • Strength of Brand Positioning Statement (20 points)
  • Target market relevance (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Logo
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened 
  • Target Market
  • Budget
  • 6 images supporting your entry
  • [optional PDF] Brand Identity Package/Story Book
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 upload (1 minute or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 upload (1-2 minutes or less)
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Briefly describe brand concept, target audience and overall graphic appeal. (150 words) This may be publicly viewable online.
  • Please share the brand positioning and copy narrative developed to connect with the target audience. (300 words)
  • Explain the creative rationale behind the project name, logo, typography, tone of copy, imagery, graphic elements and treatments. (500 words)
  • How did identifying the target audience, the brand positioning, key differentiators, main messages and visual brand identity contribute to the creation of a cohesive overall brand approach? (300 words)
  • How was a cohesive brand narrative developed through all promotional elements and communication platforms? (250 words)
  • How does this brand stand out in the marketplace? Describe anything unique or different specific to this project. (150 words)

This award recognizes the best organic social media campaign to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or builders’ brand. The social campaign should demonstrate a robust content strategy through a multi-channel approach.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry share the content strategy and how it was seamlessly executed through a variety of social platforms including posts, stories, blogs and video. The submissions will be judged on the campaign’s ability to garner new followers, engage the intended target audience through shares, comments, reposts and conversation using a robust mix of social platforms and blog articles. Provide metrics to support the effectiveness of the campaign which can include impressions, engagement rate, and follower growth. 

IMPORTANT: Please provide URL link to the social channel or channel(s) to make the judging process easier.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  1. Concept (25 points)
  2. Creativity (25 points)
  3. Layout and design (20 points)
  4. Copy and CTA (15 points)
  5. Effectiveness/response/results (15 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Logo
  • Project Location (address, city)
  • Date Project Opened
  • Target Market
  • Project or Builder website
  • URL Social channels (lnstagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedln, etc.)
  • 6 images supporting your entry
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Briefly describe the goal of the organic social campaign and how it was designed to promote the project development or builders’ brand. (150 words) This may be publicly viewable online. 
  • What was your content strategy and how was it executed across all platforms? (300 words)
  • Explain how the campaign garnered new followers and increased engagement. (250 words)
  • Were any new social media channels or new elements used in this campaign? Describe any successes, innovative approaches or adaptive learning here. (150 words)
  • Please provide your metrics here (bullet point list). (100 words)

This award recognizes the best sales brochure for a builder/developer or new residential or mixed-use mid/high-rise development.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In the your entry explain the brochure’s concept, its effectiveness/results, and provide any additional information about the brochure and how it meets the judging criteria. Digital brochures or flip books are permitted. (Maximum 600 words)

IMPORTANT: A physical copy of the brochure (if applicable) must be send to BILD before the submission deadline and reference your nomination number. If entering a digital brochure or flip book, please provide a URL where the brochure is seen online.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria: - Concept - Creativity - Layout and design - Content - Effectiveness/results

This award recognizes the best sales brochure for a builder/developer or new residential or mixed-use low-rise development.

Digital brochures or flip books are permitted.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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 In your entry explain the brochure’s concept, its effectiveness/results, and provide any additional information about the brochure and how it meets the judging criteria. Digital brochures or flip books are permitted. 

IMPORTANT: A physical copy of the brochure (if applicable) must be send to BILD before the submission deadline and reference your nomination number. If entering a digital brochure or flip book, please provide a URL where the brochure is seen online.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria: - Concept - Creativity - Layout and design - Content - Effectiveness

This award recognizes excellence in project signage and can include any combination of signage used to promote a project and/or direct purchasers to a sales office or site such as billboards, A-frames, hoarding, etc.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In the your entry explain signage concept, its effectiveness/results, and provide any additional information about the signage and how it meets the judging criteria. 

Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Concept (20 points)
  • Creativity (20 points)
  • Layout and design (25 points)
  • Content (25 points)
  • Effectiveness/response/results (10 points)

Required Information:

  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Location (address, city)
  • Date Project Opened
  • Budget
  • Target Market
  • 3 images supporting your entry
  • [optional] 3 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge
Sponsored by:

This award recognizes the best website for a new residential or mixed use development or developer, which can include project micro-sites, campaign landing pages or corporate websites.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best short video, 45 seconds or shorter, created to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or a builders’ brand.. 

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the concept and strategy for the video, quantifiable core business objectives and how your video performed against these objectives. Identify KPIs that prove your video delivered impact. Provide any additional information about the video, including how it was appropriate for the target market and how it meets each of the judging criteria.

JUDGING CRITERIAEntries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Concept (25 points)
  • Creativity (30 points)
  • Content (25 points)
  • Target market relevance (10 points)
  • Response/results (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name 
  • Builder Logo 
  • Project Name 
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened 
  • Budget 
  • Target Market 
  • Video Upload 
  • 3 images supporting your entry
  • [optional] 3 additional image slots to support your entry 
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Briefly describe the concept and what this video was meant to achieve. (150 words) This may be publicly viewable online. 
  • Detail the concept and strategy for the video. (250 words)
  • Describe how the video remain authentic to the client’s brand and contributed to a cohesive narrative. (250 words)
  • List the core business objectives and how your video performed against these objectives, including KPIs that demonstrate your video delivered impact. (250 words)
  • What elements were used in the production of this video that enhanced it’s value? (Ex: motion graphics, 3D elements, original photography, live action footage, etc.). (150 words)

This award recognizes the best short video, 45 seconds or longer, created to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or a builders’ brand. 

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the concept and strategy for the video, quantifiable core business objectives and how your video performed against these objectives. Identify KPIs that prove your video delivered impact. Provide any additional information about the video, including how it was appropriate for the target market and how it meets each of the judging criteria.

JUDGING CRITERIA Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Concept (25 points)
  • Creativity (30 points)
  • Content (25 points)
  • Target market relevance (10 points)
  • Response/results (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name 
  • Builder Logo 
  • Project Name 
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened 
  • Budget 
  • Target Market 
  • Video Upload 
  • 3 images supporting your entry
  • [optional] 3 additional image slots to support your entry 
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Briefly describe the concept and what this video was meant to achieve. (150 words) This may be publicly viewable online. 
  • Detail the concept and strategy for the video. (250 words)
  • Describe how the video remain authentic to the client’s brand and contributed to a cohesive narrative. (250 words)
  • List the core business objectives and how your video performed against these objectives, including KPIs that demonstrate your video delivered impact. (250 words)
  • What elements were used in the production of this video that enhanced it’s value? (Ex: motion graphics, 3D elements, original photography, live action footage, etc.). (150 words)

This award recognizes the best exterior of a mid-rise or high-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s design and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best exterior of a low-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s design and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best amenity rendering of a mid-rise or high-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s amenities or community amenities which will be delivered as part of the project, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best home interior rending of a low-rise development, and how well it s showcases the home’s interior design and amenities which will be delivered as part of the home, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best home interior rending of a mid/high-rise development, and how well it s showcases the home’s interior design and amenities which will be delivered as part of the unit, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best use of an experiential marketing campaign to promote real life connections through experience and events. The focus of this award is to demonstrate a unique strategy around IRL (In-Real Life) experience where builders and developers are challenged with creating out of the box events to engage their target audience. 

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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Examples may be through the use of Social Influencers, a lifestyle event series, PR/Guerrila marketing tactics, media engagement etc. These events may use lifestyle experiences as an avenue to connect with their target audience and will undoubtedly reflect an innovative approach to a lead generation campaign. In the your entry explain the purpose, concept and strategy for the marketing initiative; describe what makes it innovative and unique; outline the initiative’s effectiveness/response/results; and provide any additional information about the innovation and how it meets the judging criteria. (Maximum 1,000 words)

JUDGING CRITERIA Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria: - Concept and creativity - Strategy - Uniqueness - Innovation and use of technology - Effectiveness/results

This award recognizes the best a paid media advertising campaign for a builder/developer or a new residential or mixed-use development. 

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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Print/Digital ads of any size and format (Facebook, Google Display, IG, Youtube, Twitter, Programmatic or other paid social channel), broadcast (radio and television) and out of home ads are eligible. This may include a series of ads that demonstrate the campaign advertising strategy.

The entry will be judged based on the brand continuity, ability to connect with the intended audience and impact of the ad's messaging and call to action. In your entry explain the ad's concept including the purpose of the ad, the rationale for ad placement, how the ad told a story and made the reader act. Support for the ad's effectiveness may include campaign metrics such as ad placement, reach, time frame, CPA,# of impressions, conversions and any other information about the ad and how it meets the judging criteria.


  1. Describe the advertising campaign concept and strategy. (250 words)
  2. Explain the creative rationale behind the ad (or series of ads) and how supports the project’s brand and objectives (such as connecting with the audience). (350 words)
  3. Describe how the ad told a story and made the reader act. (250 words)
  4. Please provide your campaign metrics here (bullet point list). (150 words)


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Concept
  • Creativity
  • Layout and design
  • Copy and CTA
  • Effectiveness/response/results

Required Information:

  • Builder Company Name
  • Contact Name, Email (for the entry)
  • Project Name
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Website
  • Target Market
  • Budget
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Logo
  • 6 images supporting your entry (i.e. print & digital ads) Note: these can be uploaded as PDFs, but Jpeg images are preferred.
  • [optional] 9 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge

This award recognizes the best overall marketing campaign for a builder or new development. The winning campaign will be an example of excellence in integrated marketing.

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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The winning campaign will be an example of excellence in integrated marketing and will demonstrate strong graphic language and brand cohesion, an engaging content strategy, a powerful lead generation campaign, immersive presentation centre experiences, appealing brochure storytelling etc.

To be eligible, campaign elements must have been submitted in at least three (3) other BILD Award marketing categories. In the entry explain the purpose, concept and strategy for the campaign; outline the campaign’s effectiveness/response/results; and provide any additional information about the campaign and how it meets the judging criteria. Show examples of a mix of media assets describing how the various marketing channels were effective both in the use of budget and ability to engage target audience. (Maximum 1,500 words)


  • Explain the purpose, concept and strategy for the campaign.(500 words)
  • Outline and describe how a cohesive narrative through all promotional elements and communication platforms was achieved. (350 words)
  • What made this campaign unique in the marketplace? (250 words)
  • How did this campaign go above and beyond client expectations? (250 words)
  • Please provide your campaign metrics here (bullet point list). (150 words)

Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Strategy
  • Concept
  • Creativity
  • Use of budget
  • Effectiveness/results

Required Information:

  • Builder Company Name
  • Contact Name, Email (for the entry)
  • Project Name • Project Location (address, city)
  • Date Project Opened
  • Website
  • Target Market
  • Budget
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Logo
  • 6 images supporting your entry (ex: website, print & digital ads)
  • [optional] 9 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge

A powerful narrative and public relations campaign play a vital role in driving impactful marketing and branding strategies as well as bringing your project to the audiences that matter. Every project strategy has a story designed to spotlight the core values and defining features of a development, as well as identify opportunities to bring it to life.

This award recognizes the best storytelling, public relations, and communications campaign for a residential or non-residential project, or an industry-related brand. The brand does not need to represent a builder/developer, but must be connected to the industry (e.g. architecture firm, suppliers, etc.).

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Provide responses to the questions below to highlight the overarching goal and strategic approach to your storytelling. Emphasis should be placed on research and analysis, planning and strategy, execution and production, and measurement.


  1. Extent of research and analysis (10 points)
  2. Creative approach to planning & strategy (35 points)
  3. Communication channels and copy (25 points)
  4. Use of budget (20 points)
  5. Target audience impact (10 points)


  • Client Name
  • Client/Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Date Project Launched
  • Website (if applicable)
  • Target Market
  • Budget
  • Upload 6 images and/or copy related to the campaigns channels.

            Note: these can be uploaded as PDFs, but Jpeg images are preferred.

  • [optional] 6 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Project summary: Describe the purpose, concept, and strategy behind your narrative. This will be publicly viewable online. (200 word maximum)
  • What was the main goal(s) your campaign was trying to address? (100 words)
  • Outline your approach and strategy (150 words).
  • Please select the strategic tactics used to share your story. These can include, but are not limited to: media relations, organic social media, internal communications, integrated communications, brand management, crisis management or community relations. (250 words)
  • What kind of research and analysis were undertaken to properly understand the issue/project? (150 words)
  • Please state how you evaluated the effectiveness of your campaign (success metrics) and the results achieved against those metrics. Bullet points accepted. (150 words)


This award recognizes the best architectural design for a suite 900 sq. feet or smaller in a mid-rise or high-rise development. To be eligible, a minimum of six (6) suites of the same designs must be available for sale within the development.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the design of the suite, how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space, how it is unique and relevant to its target market; how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, if it increases choice for entry-level home buyers and the sales price of the unit. 


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space (25 points)
  • Functionality (25 points)
  • Uniqueness of design (25 points)
  • Target market relevance (15 points)
  • Value (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Suite Name
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Sale Price
  • Number of units in project
  • Number of units sold (if not available, type N/A)
  •  Target market 
  • Square footage
  • Floor plan
  • Exterior Image
  • [optional] Interior Image 1
  • [optional] Interior Image 2 
  • [optional] Interior Image 3
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Describe the approach taken in regards to the design, and then detail the use of space and functionality. (300 words)
  • What makes this design unique? (100 words)
  • Describe how the design meets the needs of the target market and provides value. (100 words)

This award recognizes the best architectural design for a suite in a mid-rise or high-rise development. This award is open to suites larger than 900 sq. feet.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the design of the suite, how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space, how it is unique and relevant to its target market; how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, if it increases choice for entry-level home buyers and the sales price of the unit. 


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space (25 points)
  • Functionality (25 points)
  • Uniqueness of design (25 points)
  • Target market relevance (15 points)
  • Value (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Suite Name
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Sale Price
  • Number of units in project
  • Number of units sold (if not available, type N/A)
  •  Target market 
  • Square footage
  • Floor plan
  • Exterior Image
  • [optional] Interior Image 1
  • [optional] Interior Image 2 
  • [optional] Interior Image 3
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Describe the approach taken in regards to the design, and then detail the use of space and functionality. (300 words)
  • What makes this design unique? (100 words)
  • Describe how the design meets the needs of the target market and provides value. (100 words)

This award recognizes excellence and innovation in the design of a suite that showcases creative use of space and functionality. This award is open to all suites mid-rise or high-rise developments.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the best model suite for a mid-rise or high-rise development.

Virtual model suites are permitted, provided they render the complete unit, including materials and furnishing descriptions (not a single room or component).

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry box explain how the suite demonstrates excellence in use of space and budget, describe the components and how they are successfully brought together to create a sales presentation that is relevant to the target market.

Virtual model suites are permitted, provided they render the complete unit, including materials and furnishing descriptions (not a single room or component).


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria

  • Use of space and budget
  • Furnishing and accessories
  • Materials and finishes
  • Use of colour, texture and wall treatments
  • Target market relevance

This award recognizes excellence in the architectural design of a mid-rise building (4 to 11 storeys).

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the concept behind the design; describe how it exemplifies creativity; outline how it optimizes its site and land area, compliments its surroundings and integrates into its neighbourhood; and provide information about its practicality and value for builders.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Site planning and use of land
  • Creativity
  • Ground level and neighbourhood integration
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Practicality and value

This award recognizes excellence in the architectural design of a high-rise building (12 storeys or higher).

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the concept behind the design; describe how it exemplifies creativity; outline how it optimizes its site and land area, compliments its surroundings and integrates into its neighbourhood; provide information about its practicality and value for builders. 


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Site planning and use of land
  • Creativity
  • Ground level and neighbourhood integration
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Practicality and value

This award recognizes the best architectural design for a single-detached house in a new development of 15 or more homes. This award is open to a production house of 3,500 sq. feet or less which showcases creative use of space.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the design of the house; how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space including lot frontage; how it is unique and relevant to its target market; and how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, include the sales price of the house.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space (25 points)
  • Functionality (25 points)
  • Uniqueness of design (25 points)
  • Target market relevance (15 points)
  • Value (10 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Suite Name
  • Project Location (address, city) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Sale Price
  • Number of units in project
  • Number of units sold (if not available, type N/A)
  •  Target market 
  • Square footage
  • Floor plan
  • Exterior Image
  • [optional] Interior Image 1
  • [optional] Interior Image 2 
  • [optional] 6 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • Describe the approach taken in regards to the design, and then detail the use of space and functionality. (300 words)
  • What makes this design unique? (100 words)
  • Describe how the design meets the needs of the target market and provides value. (100 words)

This award recognizes the best architectural design for a single-detached house in a new development of 15 or more homes. This award is open to a production house that is larger than 3,500 sq. feet.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the design of the house; how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space including lot frontage; how it is unique and relevant to its target market; and how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, include the sales price of the house.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space
  • Functionality
  • Uniqueness of design
  • Target market relevance
  • Value

This award recognizes the best architectural design for a semi-detached house or townhome in a new development of at least 6 units. This award is open to a house of any size.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain the design of the house; how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space including lot frontage; how it is unique and relevant to its target market; and how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, include the sales price of the house.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space
  • Functionality
  • Uniqueness of design
  • Target market relevance
  • Value

This award recognizes excellence and innovation in the design of a detached, semi-detached or townhouse that helps provide/increase home choices for entry-level consumers and/or features creative use of space. This award is open to a production house that is in a new development of 15 or more homes. 

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry box explain the design of the house; how it is unique and innovative, how addresses a unique demographic or specific needs in the marketplace (for example: why it a choice for entry-level home buyers or specific homeowner needs); how it demonstrates excellence in functionality and use of space including lot frontage; and how it provides value to the homebuyer and builder, include the sales price of the house.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Use of space
  • Innovation
  • Uniqueness of design and functionality
  • Target market relevance
  • Value

This award recognizes the best model home for a new development. 

Virtual model homes are permitted, provided they render the complete home.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry explain how the model home demonstrates excellence in use of space and budget, describe the components and how they are successfully brought together to create a model home that is relevant to the target market and how the model contributed to the sales success of the entire project.

Virtual model homes are permitted, provided they render the complete home, including materials and furnishing descriptions (not a single room or component).


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  1. Use of space and budget
  2. Exterior appeal
  3. Furnishing and accessories
  4. Use of colour, finishes, texture and wall treatments
  5. Target market relevance


This award acknowledges the exceptional achievements of a new sales representative employed by a BILD low-rise builder or broker member, demonstrating their potential and setting the stage for a promising career.

Entries must be based on s ales records in the last 12 to 14 months prior to the entry deadline of March 14, 2025 and the individual must be new to the real estate sales field, year 1 to year 2.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In the entry, detail the sales persons sales achievements, how they strive to deliver extraordinary homebuyer experiences, how they have taken on challenges, and how they contribute to the team’s success.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges and BILD member judges will review entries based on three criteria:

  1. Sales Strategy (20 points)
  2. Adaptability and creativity in sales approach (25 points)
  3. Their ability to contribute to a team’s success (25 points)
  4. Sales results (30 points)


  • Name of salesperson
  • Company Name (of the sales team)
  • Sales Company Logo
  • Salesperson photo
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 (1 min or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 (1 min or less)


  • List the sales record in the last 12 -14 months (# of listings or projects, # of sales, sales volume) (150 words)
  • Describe how this individual strives to defy mediocrity and deliver extraordinary home purchaser experiences and how they approached challenges. (200 words) Note: Your response to this question will be posted publicly on the awards website.
  • Describe how this individual contributes to team/company success? (150 words)
  • Describe any unique or creative sales approaches that employed by individual to achieve sales targets. (100 words)

This award acknowledges the exceptional achievements of a new sales representative employed by a BILD low-rise builder or broker member, demonstrating their potential and setting the stage for a promising career.

Entries must be based on s ales records in the last 12 to 14 months prior to the entry deadline of March 14, 2025 and the individual must be new to the real estate sales field, year 1 to year 2.

In the entry, detail the sales persons sales achievements, how they strive to deliver extraordinary homebuyer experiences, how they have taken on challenges, and how they contribute to the team’s success.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges and BILD member judges will review entries based on three criteria:

  1. Sales Strategy (20 points)
  2. Adaptability and creativity in sales approach (25 points)
  3. Their ability to contribute to a team’s success (25 points)
  4. Sales results (30 points)


  • Name of salesperson
  • Company Name (of the sales team)
  • Sales Company Logo
  • Salesperson photo
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 (1 min or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 (1 min or less)


  • List the sales record in the last 12 -14 months (# of listings or projects, # of sales, sales volume) (150 words)
  • Describe how this individual strives to defy mediocrity and deliver extraordinary home purchaser experiences and how they approached challenges. (200 words) Note: Your response to this question will be posted publicly on the awards website.
  • Describe how this individual contributes to team/company success? (150 words)
  • Describe any unique or creative sales approaches that employed by individual to achieve sales targets. (100 words)

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes excellence in an on-site sales team (1 or more persons) employed by a BILD low-rise builder or broker member.

Entries must be based on a single project launched to the market on or after January 1, 2024, to the close of the entry deadline of March 14, 2025.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry, detail the project's sales strategy, creative sales tactics, and how the sales team demonstrated adaptability (either in approach or reaching sales targets). Include total homes sold, percentage of building/project sold, price per square foot.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges, and BILD member judges will review entries based on three criteria:

  1. Sales Strategy (25 points)
  2. Adaptability and creativity in sales approach (25 points)
  3. Sales results (50 points)


  • Company Name (of the sales team)
  • Sales Company Logo
  • Builder Company Name (if different from the sales company)
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Location (address, city)
  • Project Logo (if applicable) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Total Homes Sold
  • Percentage of building/project sold
  • Price per square foot
  • Team Photo
  • Exterior building image
  • [optional] Presentation centre image
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 (1 min or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 (1 min or less)


  • In 200 words, describe how you marketed and promoted the project and sales strategy used. Note: Your response to this question will be posted publicly on the awards website.
  • Describe any creative approaches and tactics used to reach sales targets or generate public interest in the project or to respond to market conditions. (up to 300 words)
  • What, as a sales team, are you most proud of in how you achieved results? (up to 100 words)  

This award recognizes excellence in an on-site sales team (1 or more persons) employed by a BILD mid/high-rise builder or broker member.

Entries must be based on a single project launched to the market on or after January 1, 2024, to the close of the entry deadline of March 14, 2025.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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In your entry, detail the project's sales strategy, creative sales tactics, and how the sales team demonstrated adaptability (either in approach or reaching sales targets). Include total homes sold, percentage of building/project sold, price per square foot.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses the questions and supporting materials (images/documents). Judges, and BILD member judges will review entries based on three criteria:

  1. Sales Strategy (25 points)
  2. Adaptability and creativity in sales approach (25 points)
  3. Sales results (50 points)


  • Company Name (of the sales team)
  • Sales Company Logo
  • Builder Company Name (if different from the sales company)
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Name
  • Project Location (address, city)
  • Project Logo (if applicable) 
  • Date Project Opened
  • Total Homes Sold
  • Percentage of building/project sold
  • Price per square foot
  • Team Photo
  • Exterior building image
  • [optional] Presentation centre image
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • [optional] Video 1 (1 min or less)
  • [optional] Video 2 (1 min or less)


  • In 200 words, describe how you marketed and promoted the project and sales strategy used. Note: Your response to this question will be posted publicly on the awards website .
  • Describe any creative approaches and tactics used to reach sales targets or generate public interest in the project or to respond to market conditions. (up to 300 words)
  • What, as a sales team, are you most proud of in how you achieved results? (up to 100 words)

This award recognizes the best presentation centre, for a specific project, or a presentation or sales centre for multiple projects by a builder.

In the description box explain the design, layout, customer experience and results of the presentation centre, and provide any supporting visuals information about the presentation centre to address critieria. Virtual presentation centres are permitted, provided they display the complete centre.

CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
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IMPORTANT: A floor plan of the presentation centre and its price per square foot must be included in the submission. Sales offices located in a room within a model home are not eligible for this award and should instead be submitted in the best model home/model suite category.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses to five questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

  • Design and layout (30 points)
  • Use of budget (30 points)
  • Innovation and use of technology (25 points)
  • Intended customer experience (10 points)
  • Results (5 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Builder Logo
  • Project Location (address, city)
  • Date Project Opened
  • Project Logo
  • Square footage
  • Floor plan
  • Budget (to build, not including land cost)
  • Builder cost per square foot
  • Exterior Image
  • Interior Image 1
  • Interior Image 2
  • [optional] 4 additional images slots to support your entry
  • Additional organizations to acknowledge


  • In 100 words, describe your presentation centre and what makes it unique. Note: Your response to this question will be posted publicly on the awards website.
  • Describe the inspiration for the design centre and the reasoning behind the layout (floor plan). (up to 150 words)
  • Describe the intended customer experience from entry to exit. (up to 150 words)
  • List technology used in the design centre or any innovative features. (up to 100 words)
  • What was the response to your sales centre? Include sales results and any metrics and analytics here. (up to 150 words)

This award is presented to an individual who exemplifies outstanding and consistent professional achievement, philanthropy and leadership.

The award is named after the late Riley Brethour, founder of PMA Brethour Realty Group, which today stands as one of North America's largest brokerages.

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In your entry explain how the individual demonstrates excellence in his/her field, leadership on a consistent basis, which may include a passion to fearlessly innovate within their industry sector, involvement in improving his or her profession, charitable/philanthropic activities, contributes to the industry and BILD, and how they are continuing Riley Brethour's legacy with a PMA - Positive Mental Attitude. 


Entries will be evaluated on six criteria:

  • Excellence in his/her field and involvement in improving their profession or industry sector (20 points)
  • Exhibiting leadership on a consistent basis (20 points)
  • Involvement in improving his or her profession or industry sector
  • Charitable/philanthropic activities and/or how the nominee is involved local community initiatives (20 points) 
  • Contribution to the industry and BILD (20 points)
  • Continuing Riley Brethour's legacy with a PMA - Positive Mental Attitude (20 points)


  • Nominee Name
  • Nominee Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Headshot image
  • [optional] 5 additional images/documents slots to support your entry


  • Summary: In 200 words, please outline why this individual is deserving of this award. Note: Your response to this question may be posted publicly on the awards website. 
  • Describe how this individual showcases excellence in their field and involvement in improving their professional sector of the industry. (200 words)
  • Describe how this individual demonstrates leadership on a consistent basis. (200 words)
  • How has this individual demonstrated leading with a positive mental attitude? (100 words)
  • How has this individual contributed to the industry and BILD? (150 words)
  • Please list any philanthropic activities or community initiatives. (100 words)
  • How the nominee is involved local community initiatives? (100 words)

This award is presented to a member company or individual committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate citizenship.

The Award is dedicated to and named after former BILD President and CEO Stephen Dupuis who passed away suddenly in 2011. Stephen championed many of BILD’s charitable community partnerships and BILD’s commitment to supporting the communities in which we all live and work.

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This award is presented to an individual or member company committed to supporting employee enrichment and inspiring others to grow in their chosen career, whether through company initiatives that support career growth, professional development or providing mentorship opportunities for students, newcomers to Canada, or those entering the industry.

Applicants have a pattern of action that inspire others to grow in their chosen career. Applicants have a passion for career development, demonstrated by their commitment to employee enrichment programs, scholarship and/or mentorship opportunities in local communities.

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Applicants demonstrate philanthropy through financial or programming and demonstrate inclusivity for more robust and diverse Canadian communities, thereby enriching the communities they serve.

Applicants are conscious of their impact on their communities, including support of immigrants by providing equal and active employment enrichment and integration opportunities, inspiring a philanthropic and community-building spirit in the ordinary course of business.

Applicants are encouraged to showcase their leadership in the description box in areas of professional development,, mentorship, employment and/or community spaces. For example, developing specific recruitment programs for immigrants and/or contributing to activities within these communities or providing scholarship and/or mentorship opportunities. Supporting materials, such as news clippings, website links, images, and testimonials, should be submitted digitally.

The award is dedicated to and named after Mr. lgnat Kaneff, Founder of Kaneff Group, who passed away in 2020. Mr. Kaneff's life story was extraordinary, and at its core, a quintessential Canadian immigrant success story. Mr. Kaneff founded Kaneff Construction in 1956, capitalizing on the post-war suburban housing boom, later expanding into high-rise tower construction and eventually into commercial property developments. Mr. Kaneff is credited with shaping Mississauga and Brampton's downtown skylines through his signature iconic tall white towers built at breakneck speed in the 70s and 80s. Mr. Kaneff’s name is also widely recognized in the golf industry for having raised the standard of publicly available golf in the 90s, with the opening of Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre. Iggy Kaneff's real estate development legacy is matched only by his vast philanthropic deeds. In 1955, Mr. Kaneff pledged against his future earnings to donate $2,000 to the future Mississauga Hospital. This was the lead gift, and 20 times larger than the second largest gift. This type of selfless disposition sparked over 65 years of genuine and sustained commitment to philanthropy.

Ignat Kaneff had a deep respect for universities, donating over $15 million to The University of Toronto, York University, Osgoode Hall Law School and Ruse University in Bulgaria, his country of birth. The Ignat Kaneff Charitable Foundation was established in 1986 by Mrs. Didi Kaneff, giving tens of millions to various educational, non-profit, and health organizations. In recognition of his many business achievements and philanthropic contributions, Ignat Kaneff was awarded the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario.

An exceptional quality was Mr. Kaneff's ability to inspire, support, push and encourage those around him to reach higher and accomplish more. He genuinely cared about people's life journeys.

Award entries will be reviewed by a special committee organized by BILD's President and CEO, determining the successful recipient.

This award is made possible with the generous support of the Kaneff family, who values support of new Canadians. BILD and Kaneff hope this award will encourage industry-wide thought-leadership in hiring, training, and recruitment practices.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses to six questions. Judges will review entries based on the following criteria each worth 25 points: leadership within immigrant recruitment, talent development through growth opportunities, corporate culture, and philanthropic leadership.


  • Company Name 
  • If entry is for an individual - a headshot image.
  • Min 3 to max 5 - images of team engagement, testimonials or other supporting material
  • Company logo


  • What activities does the individual/firm undertake to execute their vision of career development and employee enrichment? (300 words maximum)
  • How does the individual/firm provide inclusive and inspiring employee enrichment, growth and/or advancement opportunities? (300 words maximum)
  • How does your company and/or its leadership inspire others to take scholastic or philanthropic leadership roles within the industry and the communities in which you operate? (300 words maximum)
  • Does the individual/firm demonstrate leadership in immigrant recruitment and integration in the normal course of business? If so, please describe. (300 words maximum)
  • Describe the individual's/firm's direct financial support and outstanding civic and charitable responsibility, demonstrating a proven record of exceptional generosity. (300 words maximum)
  • Describe your corporate culture and how it provides an inclusive and inspiring environment for career development, which enriches the communities within which your business operates. (300 words maximum).

This Award is presented to a member-company that has exhibited leadership in BILD’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program. Through this program, BILD and its members resolve to proactively reduce discrimination, prejudice or racism by facilitating awareness, education and open discussion. The intent of this Award is to acknowledge organizations that have encouraged DEI in their businesses and have woven it into the fabric of their daily activities, the communities they create and our Industry overall.

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Applicants stand by a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, racism or oppression in any form in our industry, workplaces or jobsites. Applicants will be able to showcase their efforts by implementing DEI policies, procedures and/or programs. Specific DEI policies and procedures documentation must be provided as a part of the submission.

Applicants will be encouraged to describe how they have exhibited leadership in the communities that they work in. For example, by planning inclusive development projects, through inclusive marketing and advertising materials, developing DEI programs for their future residents and/or contributing to DEI activities within these communities. Supporting materials such as news clippings, website links, photos, and testimonials should be submitted digitally.

Additional consideration will be given to organizations that have exhibited DEI leadership within our industry by engaging in activities such as leading industry programs or educational/awareness events.

Award entries will be reviewed by BILD’s People and Culture Committee who will determine the successful recipient.

BILD hopes this award will encourage industry wide adoption of DEI initiatives, philosophies and values.


Judges will review entries based on the following criteria:

  • the extent the company has improved their corporate culture by implementing DEI policies. (35 points)
  • how the company has shown DEI industry leadership. (35 points)
  • how the company has led leading industry programs or educational/awareness events, and to what extent the company has exhibited DEI leadership in the communities that they work in. (30 points)


  • Builder Company Name
  • Company Logo
  • Attach your DEI policies document
  • Attach your procedures documentation
  • Attach supporting materials of DEI Activities (Min. 3 to max. 10) - e.x.: news clippings, website links, images, and testimonials


  • Describe what kind of DEI policies, procedures and/or programs you have implemented in your company. (500 words)
  • Describe how your company culture has improved by implement DEI policies, procedures and/or programs. (500 words)
  • Describe how your company has show DEI leadership within the industry. (500 words)
  • Has your company led industry programs or educational/awareness events? If yes, please describe them here. (500 words)
  • Describe how your company has exhibited DEI leadership in the communities that you work in. (500 words)

This award is presented to a member company committed to pursuing innovation as an integral part of its culture.

Applicants demonstrate the brave and adventurous spirit of Angelo DelZotto, who stayed true to a vision, 'just cause', and continued to push through to success.

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Applicants can demonstrate a pattern of innovation in improving and providing housing. Applicants must describe their innovative company culture in how they invest in ideas or initiatives which address housing supply or aid in facilitating or making housing or home ownership accessible, with the outcome of making positive impacts on people, communities, and businesses. As part of a culture of innovation, it is crucial to recognize that this can also mean accepting and learning from failure and needing to iterate.

Applicants demonstrate the brave and adventurous spirit of Angelo DelZotto, who stayed true to a vision, 'just cause', and continued to push through to success.

Applicants seek to inspire and acknowledge innovation, understanding that the bigger and broader the impact, the more influential the innovation. All areas of business and member types within our industry can apply.

Applicants can demonstrate their passion for innovation, in many forms, such as:

  • Design & planning 
  • Construction (products or processes)
  • Investing and financing
  • Partnerships and collaboration (e.g. with local community groups or special local initiatives)
  • Thought leadership (e.g. moving the industry forward to adopt new construction practices or policies)
  • Accessibility
  • Affordability
  • Business models and processes

Applicants are encouraged to submit a written summary, image, and videos (optional) to support their entry. In addition to assessing whether a company's innovations are genuinely exceptional and transformative, have an active and positive impact on society, nominations are evaluated based on responses to the questions below.

Award entries are reviewed by a special committee organized by BILD's President and CEO, who will determine the successful recipient.

This award is made possible with the generous support of Tridel, who encourages everyone to challenge the status quo like their founder, Angelo DelZotto, who dedicated his life to being a change-maker for the greater good of the industry and society. BILD and Tridel hope this award will inspire industry-wide curiosity and fearless innovation that improves people's lives and sustains our planet.


Entries will be evaluated on the responses to three levels of enquiry. Judges will access entries based on the company’s thought leadership on innovation (inspiration) (30 points), extent of industry transformation (40 points), and impact (30 points).


  • Inspiration: What led to this idea and what was the process leading to this innovation? (800 words)
  • Company and Industry Transformation: Is this a totally new concept/product, or one applied differently which labels the innovation as a "game changer" - causing significant disruption from pre-existing conditions? (e.g. size or demographics of a market, appearance of new competitors with similar business models, displacement of some earlier product or service, etc.) (850 words) 
  • Impact: Quantifiable demonstration or qualitative measures of the impact the innovation is having because of its successful implementation in the sector, economy, society or culture. (850 words)


This award recognizes the new mid-rise or high-rise project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA. Projects can be located/built within an existing community or part of an entirely new master-planned community.

If your project is purpose-built rental, do not enter this category; it should be entered into category #43.

Performance in other categories may be considered when judging. The submission must include a site plan, an amenity/main floor plan, sales centre information and an exterior rendering of the project.

In your entry explain the concept behind the project; describe its planning and design, how it optimizes its site and land area and integrates into its neighbourhood; identify how the project exemplifies excellence in quality and innovation; highlight the strengths of the project's marketing and how it is relevant to its target market; outline the project's effectiveness/response/results, including total units sold and the sales period; and provide any additional information about the project and how it meets the judging criteria.

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the new low-rise project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA. Projects can be located/built within an existing community or part of an entirely new master-planned community.

If your project is purpose-built rental, do not enter this category; it should be entered into category #43.

Performance in other categories may be considered when judging. The submission must include a site plan, an amenity/main floor plan, sales centre information and an exterior rendering of the project.

In your entry explain the concept behind the project; describe its planning and design, how it optimizes its site and land area and integrates into its neighbourhood; identify how the project exemplifies excellence in quality and innovation; highlight the strengths of the project's marketing and how it is relevant to its target market; outline the project's effectiveness/response/results, including total units sold and the sales period; and provide any additional information about the project and how it meets the judging criteria.

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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This award recognizes the new mid-rise or high-rise purpose-built rental project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, excellence in resident experience and community programming, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA.

The submission must include a site plan, a least one suite floor plan, list of community amenities and programming, and an exterior rendering of the project.

In your entry explain the concept behind the project; describe its planning and design, how it optimizes its site and land area and integrates into its neighbourhood; identify how the project exemplifies excellence in quality and innovation; describe the intended resident experience and community programming, highlight the strengths of the project's marketing and how it is relevant to its target market; outline the project's effectiveness/response/results, including total units rented and the sales period; and provide any additional information about the project and how it meets the judging criteria.

CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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Entries will be evaluated on the responses to six questions. Judges will review entries based on six criteria:

  1. Planning and design (30 points)
  2. Ground level and neighbourhood integration (30 points)
  3. Quality (20 points)
  4. Innovation (20 points)
  5. Marketing campaign and alignment with target market (15 points)
  6. Effectiveness/response/resuIts (10 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Project Name
    • Project Location (address, city)
    • Website
    • Date Project Opened
    • Number of units in project
    • Number of units sold
    • Target market
    • Site plan
    • Amenity/Main Floor Plan
    • Builder Logo
    • Project Logo
    • Exterior Image
    • Suite/Home Image 1
    • Suite/Home Image 2
    • Amenity/Community Space Image
    • Amenity/Community Space Image
    • [optional] 8 slots for images/site plans/suite or house floor plans
    • [optional] Video upload (1 minute or less)
    • Additional organizations to acknowledge


    • Project Summary: In 100 words, describe the project. This summary may be viewed by the public. 
    • Explain the concept behind the project, what makes it unique (such as sustainability efforts or other) and what contribution this project makes/will make to the existing neighbourhood. Describe and how it fosters a sense of community for residents and neighbours. (300 words)
    • Detail the approach taken in regards to site planning and use of land. (200 words)
    • How does this project exemplify excellence in design, quality, and innovation? (200 words)
    • Outline the marketing and leasing strategy and campaign - how did it align with the target market to drive leasing conversions. Was targeted leasing absorption met or exceeded? (200 words)
    • Describe the community’s approach to resident experience and engagement? (200 words)
    • Detail the community’s amenity programming and how these amenities are unique to competitive offerings? (200 words)
    • Detail the in-suite features and finishes and what makes the in-suite offering unique to competitive offerings in the market? (200 words)

    The award recognizes an outstanding completely built community. This award is open to projects/master-planned communities/phases of projects built prior to the current cycle year (i.e. must be built in 2024 to be eligible for 2025 awards competition).

    The award is open to all type of communities (high-rise, low-rise, urban, suburban, greenfield, brownfield, mixed use, etc.). Eligible communities must be vibrant and complete communities that make the best use of land and that allows live, work and play spaces; protect, conserve, enhance and wisely use the natural resources of land, air and water; and optimize existing and new infrastructure to support growth.

    In your entry explain the concept behind the project and outline the key dates/milestones in its development; describe its planning and design, how it optimized its site and land area and integrated into its neighbourhood; identify how the project is a complete community through its mix of uses and its amenities; highlight the strengths of the community's urban design, environmental, heritage preservation and architecture; and provide any additional information about the project and how it exemplified leadership in smart growth.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
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    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to five questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

    1. Site planning and use of land (40 points)
    2. Ground level and neighbourhood integration (30 points)
    3. Mix of uses and amenities/community spaces (30 points)
    4. Environmental and heritage preservation (25 points)
    5. Architecture (25 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Project Name
    • Project Location (address, city)
    • Date Project Opened
    • Number of units in project
    • Target market
    • Site plan
    • Builder Logo
    • Project Logo
    • Exterior Image
    • Suite/Home Image 1
    • Suite/Home Image 2
    • Amenity/Community Space Image 1
    • Amenity/Community Space Image 2
    • [optional] 8 slots for images/site plans/suite or house floor plans
    • [optional] Video upload (1 minute or less)
    • Additional organizations to acknowledge

    The award recognizes an outstanding new master-planned community currently planned or under construction that showcases the best in community planning, integration with surrounding neighbourhoods, best use of land and design excellence.

    The award is open to all type of communities (high-rise, low-rise, urban, suburban, greenfield, brownfield, mixed use, etc.). Eligible communities must be compact, vibrant and complete communities that make the best use of land and that allows live, work and play spaces; protect, conserve, enhance and wisely use the natural resources of land, air and water; and optimize existing and new infrastructure to support growth.

    In your entry explain the concept behind the project; describe its planning and design, how it optimizes its site and land area and integrates into its neighbourhood; identify how the project is a complete community through its mix of uses and its amenities; highlight the strengths of the community's environmental and heritage preservation and architecture; and provide any additional information about the project and how it exemplifies leadership in implementing smart growth.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to five questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria

    1. Site planning and use of land (40 points)
    2. Ground level and neighbourhood integration (30 points)
    3. Mix of uses and amenities/community spaces (30 points)
    4. Environmental and heritage preservation (25 points)
    5. Architecture (25 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Project Name
    • Project Location (address, city)
    • Date Project Opened
    • Number of units in project
    • Target market
    • Site plan
    • Builder Logo
    • Project Logo
    • Exterior Image
    • Suite/Home Image 1
    • Suite/Home Image 2
    • Amenity/Community Space Image 1
    • Amenity/Community Space Image 2
    • [optional] 8 slots for images/site plans/suite or house floor plans
    • [optional] Video upload (1 minute or less)
    • Additional organizations to acknowledge


    • Project Summary: In 100 words, describe the project. This summary may be viewed by the public. 
    • Detail the approach taken in regards to site planning, use of land (350 words)
    • Describe how the project contributes to architectural excellence. (250 words)
    • How does this project address environmental and heritage preservation? (200 words)
    • Please detail the project's mixed-use and any amenities or community spaces. (200 words)
    • Describe the contribution this project makes to its unique location, to neighbouring uses and to community building, and how it exemplifies leadership in implementing the growth plan (350 words)

    This award recognizes the best customer care program or initiative.

    For this award, customer care is considered how people are treated when interacting with a builder's brand. This includes all experiences with the company and its employees after the purchase and sale agreement, during the development and construction cycle, and throughout the warranty period.

    When responding to the questions, explain the purpose and strategy for the program/initiative; describe what makes it innovative and how it improves the customer experience; demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement; and outline the initiative's effectiveness and results.

    Homebuyer List Required. Upload a Microsoft Excel file containing the e-mails and names of 100 recent new home purchasers from your various projects/locales within the last 3 years who participated in the program. Home purchasers cannot be employees of the nominated company. You may use the same home purchaser list if entering the Home Builder of the Year categories. Your home purchasers will receive one BILD survey in total.

    CA$ 85.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to questions. Judges will score entries based on four criteria:

    1. Strategy (30 points)
    2. Customer experience (30 points)
    3. Innovation and commitment to continuous improvement (25 points)
    4. Effectiveness/response/resuIts (15 points)

    The customer survey will account for 10 points.


    • Builder Company Name
    • Builder Contact Name, Email (if different from the submitter)
    • Project Location (street address, city)
    • Date of Project Launch
    • Builder Logo
    • Budget (if applicable)
    • Home purchaser list
    • 1 required image
    • [optional] Video upload (1 minute or less)
    • Additional organizations to acknowledge


    • Describe the purpose and strategy behind your care program/initiative and what outcome(s) you hoped to achieve. (up to 250 words)
    • How did you make the program innovative? I.E. what facets in your program made it unique? (up to 200 words)
    • Describe how the program enhanced/improved the customer experience and made improvement to the customer care experience from the previous year. (up to 150 words)
    • What are you most proud of with your program/initiative? (up to 50 words)
    • Please provide any measurable results or metrics as related to your planned outcomes. (up to 100 words)

    This award recognizes the mid/high-rise builder who best demonstrates outstanding leadership in green building practices.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

    In your entry describe how the company’s site planning, design and construction, demonstrates leadership in green building; identify how the company exemplifies sustainability excellence in resource management and innovation; highlight the company’s achievements in green marketing techniques/campaigns/partnership; and provide any additional information about the company and how it meets the judging criteria.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to five questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

    1. Green technologies, marketing techniques/campaigns/partnerships (25 points)
    2. Design and construction (20 points)
    3. Innovation (20 points)
    4. Site planning (20 points)
    5. Resource management (15 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Website
    • Builder Logo
    • 3 images demonstrating design and construction
    • Any supporting documents relating to resource management
    • Team/Principals Image
    • [optional] 4 slots for additional images/supporting documents


    • Please list the green technologies used by the builder.(300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder exemplifies sustainability excellence in resource management. (300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder exemplifies sustainability excellence in innovation and investing in new sustainable technologies, building practices or research. (300 words)
    • Please demonstrate how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality.(300 words)
    • Is the builder involved in any green/sustainable campaigns or partnerships? If yes, please list them here. (300 words)

    This award recognizes the low-rise builder who best demonstrates outstanding leadership in green building practices.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

    In your entry describe how the company’s site planning, design and construction, demonstrates leadership in green building; identify how the company exemplifies sustainability excellence in resource management and innovation; highlight the company’s achievements in green marketing techniques/campaigns/partnership; and provide any additional information about the company and how it meets the judging criteria.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to five questions. Judges will review entries based on five criteria:

    1. Green technologies, marketing techniques/campaigns/partnerships (25 points)
    2. Design and construction (20 points)
    3. Innovation (20 points)
    4. Site planning (20 points)
    5. Resource management (15 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Website
    • Builder Logo
    • 3 images demonstrating design and construction
    • Any supporting documents relating to resource management
    • Team/Principals Image
    • [optional] 4 slots for additional images/supporting documents


    • Please list the green technologies used by the builder.(300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder exemplifies sustainability excellence in resource management. (300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder exemplifies sustainability excellence in innovation and investing in new sustainable technologies, building practices or research. (300 words)
    • Please demonstrate how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality.(300 words)
    • Is the builder involved in any green/sustainable campaigns or partnerships? If yes, please list them here. (300 words)

    This award recognizes the mid-rise or high-rise builder who sets the standard for the rest of the industry through their professionalism and dedication to excellence.

    They are a leader in improving the overall image of the industry through their commitment to quality, caring for their customers and staff and contributing to their community.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

    In your entry, please explain how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality, customer care and professional development of staff; demonstrates active compliance with BILD's Code of Ethics and outline how they maintain professional, fairness and integrity in their business dealings and with the public while investing in a continuous improvement process, including in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. Explain the company's contribution to the communities it operates within, the industry and BILD, and provide any additional information about the company and how it meets the judging criteria.

    Performance in other categories may be considered when judging.

    IMPORTANT: 50% of the score will be based on a survey of the builder's purchasers. You will need to upload a Microsoft Excel file containing the e-mails, names and addresses of 100 recent new home purchasers from your various projects/locales within the last 3 years. Home purchasers cannot be employees of the nominated company.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to questions. When responding to questions, please upload any relevant supporting documents (ex: images, customer care training, staff development documentation). Judges will review entries based on six criteria:

    1. Design and construction quality (25 points)
    2. Customer care (25 points)
    3. Contribution to the industry and BILD (25 points)
    4. The extend to which the company meets BILD’s Code of Ethics (30 points)
    5. Contribution to the community (25 points)
    6. Professional development of staff (20 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Website
    • Builder Logo
    • Three (3) images demonstrating construction quality
    • Supporting documents relating to customer care and staff development
    • 1 Exterior Building Image
    • Interior Building Image
    • Team/Principals Image
    • [optional] 4 slots for additional images/supporting documents


    • Please demonstrate how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality. (300 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's customer care philosophy, current programs and any new initiatives to enhance the customer experience. (250 words)
    • Please described how the home builder demonstrates active compliance with BILD’s Code of Ethics and the outline how they maintain professional, fairness and integrity in their business dealings and with the public while investing in a continuous improvement process, including in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion (300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder develops staff. (250 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's contribution to the industry. (250 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's contribution to BILD, including participation in any association leadership roles undertaken by the builders' staff. (250 words)

    This award recognizes the low-rise builder who sets the standard for the rest of the industry through their professionalism and dedication to excellence.

    They are a leader in improving the overall image of the industry through their commitment to quality, caring for their customers and staff and contributing to their community.

    CA$ 300.00 +VAT (13%)
    You have used the multi-select option by clicking a checkbox.
    Process or clear your selections to enable the item buttons.

    In your entry, please explain how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality, customer care and professional development of staff; demonstrates active compliance with BILD's Code of Ethics and outline how they maintain professional, fairness and integrity in their business dealings and with the public while investing in a continuous improvement process, including in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. Explain the company's contribution to the communities it operates within, the industry and BILD, and provide any additional information about the company and how it meets the judging criteria.

    Performance in other categories may be considered when judging.

    IMPORTANT: 50% of the score will be based on a survey of the builder's purchasers. You will need to upload a Microsoft Excel file containing the e-mails, names and addresses of 100 recent new home purchasers from your various projects/locales within the last 3 years. Home purchasers cannot be employees of the nominated company.


    Entries will be evaluated on the responses to questions. When responding to questions, please upload any relevant supporting documents (ex: images, customer care training, staff development documentation). Judges will review entries based on six criteria:

    1. Design and construction quality (25 points)
    2. Customer care (25 points)
    3. Contribution to the industry and BILD (25 points)
    4. The extend to which the company meets BILD’s Code of Ethics (30 points)
    5. Contribution to the community (25 points)
    6. Professional development of staff (20 points)


    • Builder Company Name
    • Contact Name, Email
    • Website
    • Builder Logo
    • Three (3) images demonstrating construction quality
    • Supporting documents relating to customer care and staff development
    • 1 Exterior Building Image
    • Interior Building Image
    • Team/Principals Image
    • [optional] 4 slots for additional images/supporting documents


    • Please demonstrate how the builder exemplifies excellence in design and construction quality. (300 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's customer care philosophy, current programs and any new initiatives to enhance the customer experience. (250 words)
    • Please described how the home builder demonstrates active compliance with BILD’s Code of Ethics and the outline how they maintain professional, fairness and integrity in their business dealings and with the public while investing in a continuous improvement process, including in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion (300 words)
    • Please describe how the builder develops staff. (250 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's contribution to the industry. (250 words)
    • Please outline the home builder's contribution to BILD, including participation in any association leadership roles undertaken by the builders' staff. (250 words)